Group Therapy
Group Therapy , refers to therapy given by one or more counselors to a group of individuals suffering from similar mental health conditions . In many cases , it is more beneficial than the individual therapy in the sense that , individuals feel at par with someone and understand that they are not the only one suffering but many other are also going from the same situation which shall pass soon .
It is like the concept of Friendship . As in friendship , we tend to choose those people who have similar interests or taste like us , same is the case with group therapy where individuals going through almost same situations understand each other in a better way and by getting treated together they help to build each other up to fight from these problems together .
Group therapy is used to treat problems like anxiety disorders , stress , depression , anger , frustration , shyness , substance abuse , etc . Here , a small group of clients are given treatment together but their medication may differ .
It is totally a personal choice to decide between individual therapy or group therapy , so just chill . So , if you want to get relief from the regular mental conflicts and confusions , feel free to visit us . Our trained personnel and counselors shall make it easy for you to get out of this situation as soon as possible .
We assure you that all the rendered information shall be kept confidential and privacy shall be maintained properly at Ummeed , One of the Best Neuro Psychiatric Hospital in Punjab .