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Nerve Pain


Nerve Pain

Nerve pain , as the name suggests is caused as result of diseases which have a tendency to damage the nerves and area affected asserts pain . The abnormal sensations worsen the pain at the nerve and requires proper treatment to get permanent relief .

Nerve pain , also called Neuropathic Pain , can occur because of trauma, diabetes mellitus , cancer , alcoholism , thyroid problems , nutritional deficiencies , HIV or cancer based neuropathy s, etc . One can identify symptoms like itching or burning sensation at a specific area , numbness of a specific body part or pain like pricking of needles or pins .

These sensations vary from person to person . Some may feel a burning sensation throughout the day , while , some may feel extreme pain at a point of time and then relief . Both situations are frightful and need to be taken care of .

At Ummeed , one of the best Neuro Hospital in Punjab , all problems related to nerve and neuropathic pain are treated in a well – defined manner by the experienced doctors to give you quick relief and a lifetime solution to end your pain .

So , if you feel like you are suffering from nerve pain too , then waste no more time and get yourself treated by professionals and live pain free !