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Love and Relationship Addiction


Love and Relationship Addiction

This is a new evolved form of addiction . There are mixed opinions regarding this issue . Some say it is wrong to mention abundant love like feelings for somebody as an addiction , while some argue that it can be called as an addiction to being in a relationship , in the same category of an addiction to gambling or an addiction to shopping .

Here , the love addict is more interested in being in a relationship but doesn’t know how to maintain it . This leads to unsuccessful relationships and a mad change in the behavior of an addict . Generally those adults are prone to this addiction , who had a traumatic childhood . If an adult used to crave for love in his / her childhood from his parents , who used to fight a lot , or even got divorced or an orphan who had no one to love him , are generally prone to love and relationship addiction when they grow up . Because of their bad past experiences , they don’t trust their future and practice such habits .

This addiction may have different spheres . Some may be in extreme love mode while some may not even care who they are dating and be interested only in maintaining an intense relationship as per his / her own terms . But this is not a good . Your behavior becomes very aggressive and emotional at the same time , which is not good for your own as well as your social health .

So , if you feel that you or your loved one is suffering from this , then feel free to come at Ummeed , the Best De-addiction Centre and get this habit cured .

If you observe a sudden mood change or impulsive behavior within yourself or your loved ones , or if the person is seemed to lose control over his senses and is madly searching for the appliances to use them , then , it is definitely a serious case of Internet Addiction and shall not be overlooked instead it’s treatment should be started as soon as possible .

This type of addiction is more common amongst youngsters and it is done to avoid the feelings of loneliness , anxiety and depression . This addiction leads to anxiety disorders , stress , loss of appetite ,eyesight weakness , mood swings and many other serious complications . There is no set procedure to deal with this type of addiction , but yet many emotional , psychological and practical techniques are followed by our trained personnel to treat it in a positive manner , making Ummeed , a topmost Neuro Psychiatric Hospital in Punjab .